Meet my best friends

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       This picture shows you some of my friends I shared good moments and bad ones along my way. I would like to thank them for always being there for me whenever I needed them.
       I'd also like to thank them for the great moments spent together and for the wonderful things we did. I'm greatful for all the knowledge they gave me and their neverending support.
       Thank you, my best friends :)

     And there is more... My friends are young and enthusiastic persons, very much preocupied by their work and the improvement of their knowledge. They were among the best students in the University proving their capability of study, understanding and ingenuity. They are the persons anybody would like to have arround. They have many achievements (including an entirely new real-time Operating System - ZY OS !). Below you'll find some more detailed data about my friends.

Dipl. Eng. Lucian M. Muntean

      Center of the picture. He is a great and very clever guy, very patient and always ready to help his friends. We know each other since 1993 and I had many occasions to observe his dedication for everything that he does. He works in Cluj-Napoca in software engineering and has a great knowledge of computers and software development (DOS, WINDOWS, LINUX). He is a member of the ZY OS Operating System Team.

Dipl. Eng. Alexandru N. Gosoiu

      Right side of the picture. All I have to say is that he is very much like me :). He works in Bucharest at a large company that creates IT products. He has a vast experience in programming computers (DOS, WINDOWS, LINUX) and also in hardware and electronics. He is a member of the ZY OS Operating System Team. Also he is a great composer of dream music and I admire his efforts and perseverance to create.

Dipl. Eng. Sorin Laposi

      Left side of the picture. Sorin is a perfectionist. He always does a great job mainly characterized by order and ingenuity. He has a deep understanding of things analyzing everything with the sharp mindness of the engineer. His knowledge covers DOS, WINDOWS and LINUX which, I might say, he knows better then anyone I know. He works in Cluj-Napoca in software engineering. He is a member of the ZY OS Operating System Team.

Dipl. Eng. Ionel L. Muntean

      Sorry that I don't have a picture. Ionel is a very good model of academic and scientific person. He has the clear mindness and perseverence of a great teacher and scientist. Also, his engineering skills and deep computer knowledge recommend him as a complete scientist. He has a great experience in genetic algorithms and software engineering. He is currently teaching at the Thechnical University of Cluj-Napoca.

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